Gallery Whitstable boat tours

Pictures from Whitstable boat tours

Here are some pictures from Gallery Whitstable boat tours. We often get customers who take great photos alongside the Maunsell Sea Towers and if you take one and would like to share it, please email it over. Our boat trip to the historic Maunsell sea forts of course makes for some incredible photos. We have had the world-famous Scott Amling come out with us, and recently, we had Philip Berner from Australia come out with Whitstable boat tours to take stunning photos of the Whitstable sea forts, to sum up, you are in good company.

We have taken a few pictures below to show our booking office and where we will meet and greet you before the boat trip from Whitstable. If you like to charter the boat to take some incredible photos privately, we offer this service, maybe as a special present for a loved one. Prices are listed here.

If you would like to be part of the story and you love using Instagram why not tag us when posting pictures of the historic World War Two Maunsell forts also known as the Whitstable sea forts? We do not mind getting up very early to catch the golden hour, as long as the tide allows us to get you some magical pictures and lifetime memories. Our boat is pretty stable and often the best pictures are taken when there is a little cloud to give the Maunsell forts even more atmosphere.